The craziest Ye of the week

Elliott Griffiths
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We don’t want to spoil too much of the later piece, but are coming into IEM Katowice in scintillating form.

In a BO3 semi-final and a BO3 final, in the same day, VP dropped 26 rounds combined. That’s an average of 6.5 rounds per map.

VP heard you talking sh*t about them going to 30 rounds and have started speedrunning games and taking names in the process. Alright, it’s only ESL Challenger, but they won the Grand Final over FURIA in absurdly convincing fashion.

And if you’re not yet on the YEKINDAR hype train, maybe this is the time to get on. The Latvian hyper-fragger dropped an average 1.61 rating - 0.29 higher than anyone else - and a 1.85 impact rating over the six maps he played.

Again, it’s a small sample, and he played against Complexity (eh), FURIA (not started all that well), 9z (who came closest to beating them) and Movistar, whom he went 30-10 against.

Complexity were a team we were hyped for - and they finally got some wins under their belt, the most notable being a BO3 win against HEET. A large part of that came down to an excellent performance from one of the least hyped players on this team - FaNg.

Can’t wait to see how he does at Katowi-, ah, never mind. Complexity had to withdraw.

Maybe that’s some reprieve for NA fans who were barely over the heartbreak of all of their teams going out last in the last event.

February 13, 2022

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