The Faustian Pro Series

Elliott Griffiths
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Illustration by NovaH. Source: BLAST Premier

Esports and ethics go together like pineapple on pizza.

In that you have to be a completely sick individual to pretend it’s okay.

Following on from ESL’s Saudi takeover of a couple of months ago, BLAST have announced their own Faustian bargain. Their BLAST Premier World Final will take place in Abu Dhabi, where homosexuality is illegal.

Not like, jaywalking or drinking as a 17 year old illegal. Actually illegal.

For a tournament organiser who pride themselves on excellent stage events, it might have made more sense to have it in a place where your fans might want to go.

But what do we know?

This comes with the announcement of a three year partnership with AD Gaming. Still, at least it’s not NEOM!

Perhaps the most frustrating part is that we’re, essentially, powerless as viewers. Our viewership pales in comparison to the revenue the sponsorship provides, and all we can do is whine and boycott.

Luckily, we’re excellent at whining.

Richard Lewis’ announcement of his departure from esports was an impassioned message about the dark days of esports that we’re in, and maybe he had a point.

July 1, 2022

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