Don't know if you guys heard, but we did a cool little interview with Rejin, who is the Billy Beane of the MAD Lions' new project. Maybe that's a bit too far.
He did however hint that there may be roster moves 'next week', and given we made that interview last week... guess what time it is.
The MAD Lions madhouse pushes one more through the revolving door as keen leaves and SPELLAN takes over as their new IGL, with the org suggesting they are being 'open' with how the team is working.
The Bulgarian is on a trial basis, as it seems many players are, with Rejin also telling us that he was on the look out for a tier one player to join and sew everything up with a nice little bow.
If you're not really aware of who SPELLAN is, he's been around for a while mostly on SKADE, Windigo and Epsilon, which does mean he's overseen a few 'upset teams' - those that while they aren't necessarily amazing teams, can take games off of top opposition. Think Endpoint or... any American team.
Windigo were a team who were able to beat some of the top teams from time to time, and maybe the new MAD Lions team will - for the short term at least - be just that.
If you want to know the long term plan... well, so did we. So we asked Rejin about it. It's all in the interview.
Cool how that worked out.