The Major Legends stage so far

Gijs Verhoeff
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Source: PGL

Before we recap who's winning and who's losing at this stage of the Major: holy moly did we like the dev1ce versus Astralis storyline. Praise the seeding gods for that one.

dev1ce decided now would be as good a time as any to trash on some scrubs that used to drop him AWPs. 16-1, the score line read. SIXTEEN to a measly ONE.

And you might think "what's the big deal, I get 16-1'd in matchmaking all the time" and you'd be right - or at least, we would be - but this is almost the same Astralis that have won the last three Majors in a row. Well, except for said player.

And dev1ce didn't even need to top frag to do it. He was just chilling in the middle of the scoreboard, with a 1.75 rating. Some players don't even achieve such a rating in their entire careers.

Anyways, enough about the Danes.

The Winners (so far)

NaVi saved some Diamond coins and qualified to the Champions stage. They convincingly took down VP, had a banging game against Heroic, and saw off NiP in two maps. Will s1mple get his first Major?

G2 joins them, but that story is another castle, reader!

The Losers (so far)

Thanks for coming guys, but party's over - pack your bags. Unfortunately for ENCE, and unsurprisingly for EG, this is the end of their story.

ENCE couldn't keep up with Gambit, Liquid, or MOUZ in any kind of way, and EG had to make way for FaZe and CPH Flames, but did rattle Vitality for a second in their 1-2 loss. Maybe someone will finally pull the plug on them?

The Danger Zone

Although this is the kind you don't want to take a highway to. There's still action to go, as we have to find the remaining six teams for the quarter-finals.

The first three will be found in today's 2-1 matchups, which feature another Danish Derby and possibly the worst seeding error in this event, when the 2nd and 4th best team in the world clash, while FURIA (#17) and Entropiq (#19) battle it out for another spot:

  • Heroic vs CPH Flames
  • FURIA vs Entropiq
  • NiP vs Gambit

On the losers side of the equation, six teams are fighting for their lives, and there are some real bangers.

Could we for example interest you in the world's best player two years in a row, against the winners of the three last Majors, in an elimination BO3? Yup, we're excited as well:

  • Vitality vs Astralis
  • MOUZ vs Virtus Pro
  • Liquid vs FaZe
October 31, 2021

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