The Nations Game

Gijs Verhoeff
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🤓 Fun fact

  • Did you know there’s been a 200% increase in the amount of Dutch players that have played at a CS:GO Major. Too bad it’s the last one.
  • Mirage is the NAVI of maps”. That’s good. We’re jealous we didn’t come up with it.

🇧🇷 Direto do Brasil

  • Say all you want about who they support, they do know how to create an atmosphere.
  • cadiaN even thinks they improved since the Rio Major. Either that or the Brazilian teams did worse. Your guess.
  • I mean, they can even get Neymar to show up, who wouldn’t want that?

😑 You may have been a little too goofy and/or silly

  • Heroic weren’t losing that one, until they were. Falls in the category of: fck around, find out.
  • Whoops, wasn’t meant to show that. Would you like to restart CS:GO?
  • Ignore the stats because what in tarnation is that graphic, ESL?!

And finally, enjoy this preview of CS2 de_santorini from map maker FMPONE (click for more)

April 23, 2023

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