The spirit of North lives on

Elliott Griffiths
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ENCE have failed to qualify for an event that North are eligible for. North don't even exist any more.

That's right, the Flashpoint qualifiers were not so easy for our Finnish friends, who lost to one team containing Snax, and another containing NBK. Yeah, really. That's -squints- Anonymo and DBL Poney to you.

Thankfully, Complexity and mousesports made it through, so it's not a complete waste of time, but Anonymo and Sprout did, so... draw your own conclusions. That said, we are really excited to see Snax back on the big stage. It's been a while.

NBK's team, DBL Poney, are facing off with HAVU for the final spot (assuming that the last spot doesn't go to the loser, when North's spot goes to absolutely nobody). One Finnish team have been put to the sword, and NBK looks to add another scalp to the list.

April 29, 2021

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