The world flipped upside down

Elliott Griffiths
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A lot has happened in the women’s game in just one week.

With the start of a new series of Impact, comes roster drama and seemingly, the biggest result the women’s game has seen, probably, since juliano and zAAz played which… we’ll get to that, actually.

The seemingly infallible, immortal Nigma Galaxy were finally felled for the first time since Impact started, ending a - frankly absurd - 38 series win streak at Impact, that lasted over a year.

NIP Impact were the victors - in two maps too - leaving Nigma 1-1 in their group, a position they have quite literally never been in before. We know it’s obvious, but we really want to underline how insane it is that they hadn’t lost a series in Impact until now.

They’d come close a few times, of course, largely to FURIA in the last year who had been the de facto second best team for so long - but their spot at the top table might have been usurped by the biggest transfer Impact has ever seen.

Superstar Olga, who had been the only player to come close to the ubiquitous aNa, stepped away from the team with whom she had so much success to gamble it all - and join HSG.

FURIA had come close, but with a distinct lack of cigars on the horizon, it was time for a new horizon. Quite how the language is going to work is beyond us, and thankfully it’s not our issue to solve.

HSG for those who are unaware are a full Asian team, so there is a decent chance they all speak English, but even then it’s an adjustment.

Between Nigma’s immortality being pierced and FURIA’s star being poached, Impact just got a whole lot more open. Oh, and there’s a new potential challenger, too.

GUILD have entered the game with a Norwegian-majority team headlined by KiKi (who stood in for Saints in Katowice), but perhaps the more pertinent news was G2’s entrance; because it includes juliano and zAAz.

The former women’s champions return from VALORANT to try their hand at the new-fangled Impact league, but the game has moved on; they were instantly shown how far they had to climb back as they were toppled by NAVI Javelins.

Oh, and team is called G2 Oya. Like the… noise that samurais make?

Finally, if you want to learn a bit more about the biggest names in Impact, TLDR’s own NER0 ran the numbers to tell you who they play like that you might be more familiar with.

No blameF just yet, thankfully.

March 9, 2023

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