The world's best player sorts Vitality's problems

Phillip Rasmussen
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We are back in the "ZywOo's the best player in the world"-corner here at TLDR, after seeing him single-handedly destroy NiP on the deciding map in the Blast Premier EU Showdown semifinal. To be fair, REZ went toe to toe with him, and ended with a rating of 1.84 vs ZywOo's 1.94.

The French victory sees the EU showdown almost concluded, with Vitality and ENCE taking two of the last three spots in the Blast Premier EU Final. They'll join Complexity, G2, FaZe, OG and Na`Vi, while either MAD Lions or NiP will round out the team list after their 3rd place decider on June 15th. Which by all logic, MAD Lions will take, because a Blast event without a Danish team is unthinkable.

The NA showdown has been dominated by their Southern neighbours from Brazil, as FURIA and MIBR both won their semifinals, sending Gen.G and Evil Genius off to battle against each other for the last spot in the NA finals. But unlike karrigan, who got his revenge against the team that cut him, daps didn't even manage to make EG bleed a tiny bit, as Gen.G was crushed in two swift maps by the geniuses to take the last spot. That's gotta hurt.

June 7, 2020

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