TLDR's Editorial note

Phillip Rasmussen
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The time has come for esports and gaming to have its #MeToo moment, and in recognition of that, we are not sending out our normal newsletter this Monday. Instead we want to take the time to say that there are some things that are too important to tl;dr. It does not mean that it is an easy conversation however.

It is with considerable doubts and questions to ourselves that we write this special edition newsletter.

Do we do the allegations, and the movement they represent, justice, if we also bring their aggressors' defense? Do we trust and support victims, and thus help others stand up, if we at the same time give the other part a chance to paint another picture?

The part of us that believe in a fair playing field, suggests that we can balance it, but we also know from our girlfriends, friends, family and colleagues, that there is no such thing as "fair" when it comes to gender.

After much deliberation we have decided that we must bring both stories, where they are available, because to do otherwise would be to keep our readers in ignorance. We will however not give the aggressors a platform, nor will we pass judgement on each case.

We urge all of our readers to not tl;dr what we bring here, as the content is central to a necessary conversation we must have with each other, about being better.

If you read nothing else beyond this point, we want you to read this brilliant piece about our industry's failing from Richard Lewis, or this powerful description of what being a woman in esports means by Frankie.

As a last point, our email inbox is open to all of our readers that have things they want to share or opinions about how we tackle this. You can always contact PHedemark on phillip[at] or hit reply to any of our newsletters if there is anything in our coverage you want to discuss - our approach to this situation included.

June 28, 2020

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