Uh oh, sh1ro is back

Elliott Griffiths
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sh1ro really took that top 3 snub from HLTV personally, and forced them to give him an MVP at Funspark.

The immortal sniper dropped a ludicrous 1.43 rating over the whole tournament, proving once more that Gambit are flat track bullies to anyone even slightly outside of the top tier.

We like stats, so here’s some ridiculous ones to show you just how much better sh1ro was than the rest of the competition.

  • Over twice the K/D differential of 2nd place (+102 to +49)
  • 26.4 damage diff per round (2nd place had 18.3)
  • 0.49 deaths per round, with 0.89 kills per round (top on both aspects)
  • 10 clutches in 10 maps
  • 80% success in opening duels

It’s no surprise, in that case, that Gambit went 8-2 in maps and won every single series at Funspark ULTI. While Entropiq muscled past BIG to face Gambit in a rematch, their revenge was not served to Gambit cold; Gambit came in hot.

In 51 rounds, sh1ro died 22 times, as Gambit collected 32 of ‘em and dusted Entropiq off in the grand final.

Certainly makes us a bit more excited about Complexity; one of two teams who took a map off of Gambit, with the other being Entropiq who had a few more attempts.

Either way, HLTV ended up giving the MVP to sh1ro, through gritted teeth. They tried to give it to NiKo, but as if it was a Major final, he didn’t show up at this event.

January 27, 2022

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