is actually back

Gijs Verhoeff
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When "Virtus Plow" was last a thing, aizyesque hadn't lost his virginity, napz was still in diapers and we were still rushing bombsites with Tec9 going BRRRRTTTT. We're not quite back to those levels, but JAME and co. have definitely repainted the old machine and put some wheels on it again.

In IEM New York, the last CIS Regional Major Ranking-event so far, VP went 7-0 in matches, including double 2-0 spankings of Na`Vi and a 3-0 Grand Final victory. JAME TIME.

The victory is worth $20,000, but more importantly, 2,500 RMR points, which takes them to a Contender spot for the next Major. Spirit and Na`Vi are occupying the two direct invite spots and Nemiga are currently CIS' only Challenger-team. Guess who's the new QUANTUM BELLATOR FIRE?

Elsewhere in Europe, Heroic continued their impressive "we own, we suck, we own"-form, as they clinched the DreamHack Open Fall title with a 3-2 Grand Final victory vs Vitalty (this might change). This comes at the back of bombing out of IEM NY in last place, and winning ESL One Cologne. Consistently inconsistent.

The victory is worth $33,000 and 2,500 RMR points, which takes them past everyone on the EU RMR ranking, except for Vitality. What does that mean, we hear you asking. At the time of writing it means that Vitality, Heroic and NiP (of all teams) are directly qualified for the 2021 Major, while Mousesports and Complexity are definitely not going.

Now we will temper your expectations, and napz' salty tears: There might very well be more RMR events coming, with no actual Major on LAN in sight.

October 25, 2020

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