We just LAN't get enough

Gijs Verhoeff
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Illustration by NovaH. Source u/FREIHH

Finally we have LANxess to more offline content at the Cathedral of Counter-Strike. With just ten days left until the greatest tournament in CS starts, we can't say we're not hyped. Don't you just love double negatives?

The team line-up isn't completely full yet, with the play-in taking place just before the main tournament, but so far there's plenty to get your mouth to water. Don't drool on your keyboard though, you'll need that for your forum exchanges, you warrior.

Aside from featuring the entire top five of the rankings, the tournament also boasts a healthy amount of top 20 teams, like Team Liquid and FURIA. There is no way that doesn't result in good games.

And it's not like the play-in is any more boring. That tournament alone could be considered as a top tier tournament. A healthy mix of mid tier teams from the top 30, with some upset likely underdogs sprinkled about.

Again, there is no way that doesn't result in good games. Or more good teams in the main tournament. EG, OG, NIP, mousesports, Spirit, CoL, Bad News Bears. All top contenders. All of them. Hell, the play-in even features Sprout vs BIG - the German derby - in the opening rounds of the bracket. Need we say more?

June 27, 2021

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