What? ESIC is evolving!

Harry Richards
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New Russian ballers and Heroic’s resurgence might seem fun, but you know what’s better? Justice. Sorry, I watched Judge Judy today. Anyways, ESIC!

Our favourite overlords (until Valve release a new case, anyway) have announced a ‘transparency initiative’. And this sounds great, since our only real piece of contact with ESIC has been boring press releases and one interview with a budget DanM.

But ESIC have been working hard to keep esports clean. Despite limited funding and staff they run 15-30 investigations at once, which explains why keeping us folk in the loop is a little bit lower on their priority list.

But this might be changing: the cryptic phrase “current but resolving resourcing constraints” implies they will be scaling up soon, with this fresh transparency initiative being the first step in that direction

Already up on their website is a ‘public matter registry or, in English, a list of all their investigations. So far, they've uploaded the coaching bug, the use-the-FBI-for-clickbait MDL match fixing and the suspicious betting around Akuma at the EPICLEAGUE CIS RMR.

Fresh news also seems to be brewing on the MDL investigations, with a press release due this morning at 10:00 CET. Word of warning though - since that one’s still ongoing and given the sensitivity of the allegations, it’s probably not worth setting an alarm for.

But we’ll only have to wait 48 hours after that for the real juicy news. The review of Hunden’s alleged google doc sharing has been “finalised” and we’ve got a feeling a few people in black Hummel shirts will be keeping a keen eye on that particular announcement.

Overall, ESIC scaling up is good news for esports, even if it means more bad news coming soon.

August 22, 2021

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