Where’s NAVI?

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Can you say that a team choked when they still qualified?

At the start of the week, most people would’ve said of course NAVI and Vitality would make it. The third spot was always a bigger question, I think a Fnatic or NiP guess was reasonable and Spirit, on their best day, wasn’t an impossibility.

And that’s what we got! Sort of. Vitality, Fnatic, and NAVI are all making it but NAVI has felt absent.

They end the weekend with just two victories, versus Fnatic and Spirit, and a three-series loss streak. Making it at all, after the weekend they had, feels like a miracle.

It’s not that S1mple was bad (no matter what HLTV is trying to say) the whole team just felt lackluster. sdy and b1t both ended the group with negative ratings, while electroNic was barely in the green.

Vitality, on the other hand, looks alive. Which means next week they’ll probably lose by 10 rounds to a team we’ve never heard of.

ZyWoo topping the group isn’t shocking, that’s just ZyWoo things, but Spinx coming in second with a 1.21 rating is a big point of hope for any French fans who still have the guts to think Vitality will start really succeeding.

As for Fnatic, they looked pretty decent. It’ll be interesting to see if they keep this going, considering this team has only existed in this format for a few months.

Moving on from Group A: 🇪🇺 Vitality, 🇪🇺 fnatic and 🇺🇦 NAVI.

September 4, 2022

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