YEKINDAR is a free e̶l̶f̶ man

Sebastian Lalic
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Illustration by ANDY. Source: PGL

Master has let d̶o̶b̶b̶y̶ YEKINDAR pay his buyout. Yeki is free!

After three’ish months of becoming Liquid’s new CIS saviour, YEKINDAR has somehow only now been freed from his contract at Virtus P- wait no, Outsiders? Virtus OutsidePro!

On Friday, the Latvian entry took to Twitter where he announced that he had bought himself out of his contract. Apparently, the process took a bit longer due to Outsiders’ change of ownership, but at last, he can join Liquid for good and bring NA CS back to the top… wait, what did his last tweet just say?

“Announcing my future” and “Excited about this new chapter”…?

He must have taken a few lessons at the “Jame school of baiting” during his time on the team. Yet he’s managed to get us all wondering: Where will he go, if not Liquid?

Will G2 make changes this soon?

Has FaZe decided it’s time for the Rain to stop?

Will C9 make their first roster move since bursting on the scene as Gambit? Probably not.

Liquid has a lot of cash and YEKINDAR seems settled at the Dutch-American Operation. Maybe he’s just a fast learner.

Or is Jame just that good of a teacher?

October 20, 2022

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